Wednesday 23 March 2011

Use of Locket:

In our narritive and trailer we ued a 'locket' as a prop which was significant within the trailer is this a print screen on her with the locket on from the trailer. We used the locket as the final girl drops her locket and the stalker picks it up and after that she gets stalked so the locket means alot in the trailer and its one of the most important props aswell as the pictures on the wall which followes our stroyboard.

Using Sony Vegas

Using this program was new for me as i didnt know what it was or how to even work sony vegas, i sat down my group and we learnt how to used it as time went on we got used to using it and we starting editing our trailer which was quite fun after all.
Here are some print screens of how i used sony vegas.

Process of Editing:

Using a new software program sony vegas which one of our group members had on her laptop we used that to make out trailer and edit things and cut things down. Here are some footage from the trailer which we edited using sony vegas.

 For this scene we adjusted the lighting and brigtness and contrast for this scene as it was really bright and we wanted to make a spookier kind of effect which we did by using different tools on sony vegas.
We used night effect for various shots to make the edges dark and the overall shot.
 We did this by blending and overlaying both shots to become one, so it looks as if the necklace is swinging infront of Travoir, and then adjusted the opacity.

Pictures From Filming and How Filming Went

How exactly our filming went:

Withing our filming we had to look for a place for the girl to get killed, we looked around our new college building for some dull places which we could shoot our murder scence in. We found a small area at the back of our college which looked quite iscolated and place which no one would think of going which made our atmostphere scary when we was filming and made our character look more furious and scared while we was filiming her.

Using mise en scence made her wear white as we could see the blood more clearer we put fake blood on her face and used make-up to make bruises on her face such as purple and blue eyeshadow as she did the make-up her self as she already is a make-up artist (myself). Our actor plays a psychotic and obsessive stalker, so to emphasise on this we decided to have a scene with various pictures of Adeeti stuck on a white wall, and another showing him burning one of her pictures. At the train station, he picks up Adeeti's locket from the ground and keeps it.

Using The Final Girl Theory

In our trailer we looked in detail at the final girl theory, we looked at other types of real media texts which would help us come up with this story line and they ways in which we could use our final girl also looking at other movies/ trailers to help us such as : Halloween, Physco, Carrie, Saw, Drag me to Hell, Dracula and Nosferatu. Final consists of having a boyish name, orginally the final girl would share a history with her killer as in our trailer she does share a history with her killer so we followed the conventions of the Final girl theory

In our trailer :

We gave our final girl (me) a boyish name which was Jayden which we followed the conventions of the final girl theory, we gave her a history with her stalker such as knowing each other from a long time back and her costumes within all blood scences and within the trailer we made her wear either white showing her innocence and blood which was shown in the trailer we also made her wear casual cloths as if she was a normal ' boyish' type character.

Audience Feedback

From audience feedback I have concluded overall had positive feedback, I had mostly asked females about our trailer rather than males. Most people said the poster was more successful than the magazine itself.

Wednesday 9 February 2011


This was our first location we chose streatham station we chose this place as its small and its quite creepy, also we decided to choose this loacation as the 'stalker' and the girl meet.
We chose streatham ice rink as anthor location we chose this becuase its really dull and creepy inside and it looks like no one actually enters the place it was cold in there too which made us feel weird when we where in the shooting this scence and it also gave us more support with making our trailer.
For the mirror scence we used my bedroom, with lipstick i wrote on the mirror 'Im watching you' it was quite difficult to write on the mirror and shoot this scence as the table was quite small to put the camera which was our problem but we out little boxes onto the table and placed out camera inside the doors so when i open the door it gives it a spooky effect.